5 Things 2018 Has Taught Me

THANK GOD 2019 is almost here. This year has been nothing short of a roller coaster I literally could not get off of not matter how hard I tried. Every time everything was smooth sailing something would happen to throw me for a loop. I have been so fortunate this year to meet amazing people and forge friendships that I am sure will last a lifetime. I have learned a lot from the twists and turns my life has thrown at me the past 365 days.

First up on my list:
Moving in with a significant other will not magically fix everything.
If you're feeling like maybe he isn't the one, y'all argue all the time, you bicker, and you are passive aggressive towards each other on the daily then making an expensive decision to move in together (especially if that move is to a different city) isn't going to prove anything except that y'all were not meant to be. Don't get me wrong, it could totally work out!! Moving in with him/her could just magically make your stars align and the clouds open to reveal Jesus himself blessing your relationship. Let's be honest though, if you're already fighting over stupid shit prior to moving in together, chances are being around them 24/7 won't help the situation. Sometimes though, that relationship ending can be a good thing for you keep that in mind.

Which brings me to number 2.
It's okay to cut people out of your life if they are toxic or bringing you emotional distress.
This year was full of a lot of "it ain't nothin' to cut that bitch off". From my failed "the one" relationship to friendships to workplace relationships to my casual dating life I have done a lot of restructuring. It's been difficult. I've never really been one to just dump people for the sake of me. At least I haven't in a long time. When I was younger the moment something seemed off in a relationship I dumped it. In my eyes it wasn't worth the extra work, but as I matured I lost that ideology. I realized that somethings are worth working through, but in the adverse I started to hold on to friendships, relationships, and people I didn't even like despite the fact it was hurting me. Like I said this hasn't been easy.  I will still be working on this going into the new year, but I expect to master it.

3rd and the most important one in my opinion
ALWAYS Have a Safe Ride Home
Drinking is fun. Drinking with friends is more fun. Drinking out at the bar with friends is really fun. Having a safe ride home is honestly the most fun you can have. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Please don't drink and drive.

4th on my list and honestly a super big one is to ALWAYS be SURE of your roommates.
Oh god. In the 9 months I've lived in San Antonio  I've had 4 roommates. 4!!!!! IN 9 MONTHS!!!! HOWWWWW!!!?!!??! Roomster has been a blessing and a curse. If you aren't familiar with Roomster it's like Tinder for roommates. So convenient when you're looking for a place to live or someone to share your home with. This is honestly going to be another one of those follow your gut things. The first roommate I had after my breakup was......wound tight. I didn't think it would be an issue, but there was absolutely a small voice in my head that told me she was not compatible with me. I told my small voice to shove it because I really REALLY needed to move out of that apartment I was sharing with Dakota. So I pulled the trigger on a roomie that was totally wrong for me. Needless to say I was shocked, but not surprised by how quickly the living situation went to shit. She even moved out before everything was finalized and left me with rent and bills for the following month. In addition she took the wifi that I paid for half of, and my cinnamon. I'm totally kidding about the cinnamon upsetting me, but still. The next guy moved in, was only able to pay me for 1/4 of the expenses, then he moved out and accidentally stole my Crock-Pot. Nothing was wrong with him, he just coffee grounds all over the place. It's cool to grind your own beans, but don't leave your bean dust all over the counter!!! Now I have Rayssa, and I'm so thankful for her. She's the best! She also came from Roomster. I guess they come in 3's, huh...even bad roommates. ;)
And finally if this year has taught me anything it's that failure is always an option, and sometimes it is the best option. Just because you failed at something does not make you yourself a failure. Always remember that. Sometimes your biggest failures can turn out to be your biggest blessings. 

I'm looking forward to 2019. I'm really hoping to do more for me. I'm going to ring in the New Year in Louisiana. I'll be celebrating my 24th birthday and my sisters 21st in Baton Rouge with my mom. I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time. I'll be traveling to Michigan and Disney for the first time! Hopefully I'll be heading to Canada in a year as well (again for the first time). I'm excited to see where this year takes me. I'm even more excited to apply the things I've learned this year to the next.
I hope y'all have a FUN and SAFE New Year!


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