Quarantine and Chill

The time is approaching, and I'm like 85% sure we will all be quarantined in our homes soon. I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes, but it's true. 15 days ago Italy had about 1,128 cases of COVID-19, and 4 days ago the United States had 1,135. We're on the right track. These are uncertain times, but we can't get crazy. (Too late, I know, but I'm still going to say it). My job is closed until Friday the 20th in accordance with the San Antonio state of emergency put in place on Friday. 

While you're (inevitably) quarantined here are some things you can do:

  1. Adult Paint By Number: These kits are like the paint by number you're used to, but more complex! Some of them are canvas that come with the frame in the back, and others are poster board. 
  2. Harvard, Oregon State, Stanford, and many more colleges, universities, and institutions offer FREE courses and certification programs online. These range from a one week program on Hamlet to Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials! You want to look for stuff that's self paced and either starting soon, or doesn't have a start date! Get learning! 
  3. Puzzles. Honestly it's all I did during Harvey when I was trapped in my house for a week. 
  4. Tour a museum! "But I can't leave" yeah, that's like the whole point. A LOT of museums from AROUND THE WORLD are offering virtual tours of their establishments. 
  5. Watch an Opera. Starting 3/16 The MET will be offering free streams of their shows from their catalog. Get cultured, people.
  6. Ebooks on Amazon. Some books have a pretty good free ebook window to them so you can get some reading done while stuck inside. 
  7. Of course there's always binging your favorite show and watching Disney+ all day. (don't worry, I'm not judging) 
  8. Read up on candidates running for president this year. None of you can say you didn't have time to do that. You're stuck inside all day. Get educated. 
  9. Learn a new hobby! While there's still time you can go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and grab a starter kit for something you've always wanted to learn how to do! 
  10. Take up writing. This website provides writing prompts. Google Docs is free if you dont have Microsoft Word.
I want us to look back on this and think "wow, we really overreacted" instead of "wow there's so much more we could have done." 

Wash your hands, distance yourself from others when you can, be kind, don't go out if you aren't feeling well, and don't hoard supplies. Honestly, if y'all needed 144 rolls of toilet paper for 30 days you needed to see a Dr WAAAYYY before this. Last thing is stay calm. Everything is going to be fine. If you're going somewhere to collect supplies, be kind to the employees. Seriously, a lot of grocery stores have people working around the clock. Respect the item limits and be kind to your neighbors too.


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