I deleted my Facebook today

I was scrolling through Facebook this morning looking at all the things my friends post and what the pages I follow post. I swear a good 85% of my feed was FULL of negativity. Trump this, racist people that, I hate so and so's baby momma, Trump again, and then the occasional "Look I got a new puppy post". Normally I would engage in the posts. Talk with my friends and others in my community about what was posted. Usually with the same negative attitude they were posting with. This morning though something was different. I didn't want to be negative anymore, and as I was looking through my feed I couldn't believe how much negativity I had just become immune to.

My boyfriend called this out years ago that Facebook and the groups I'm in cause me to live in a pretty negative state of mind. I'm tired of it. I feel like it's effecting my mood more than I've ever realized. Like I mentioned I had essentially become immune to it. That's not how I want to live my life in any way. Especially since I just started my life over again in San Antonio, I don't want to bring those old habits with me here into my new life.

So I uninstalled my Facebook app. I felt so much relief. I know eventually I'll download it again, but for right now I don't want to see any of the bullshit on my Facebook. I know eventually I will have to go through and just clean house to get some of the negativity off my page, but this is what's best for me for right now. I'll probably make this a month hiatus from Facebook. I don't really need it, and if I absolutely need to do something on my page or in a group I can log in on my computer.

I know some people might tell me I'm feigning ignorance by not exposing myself to what's happening around my country. If it's going to help me be in a better state of mind, then honey, ignorance is bliss.


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